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freight insurance中文是什么意思

用"freight insurance"造句"freight insurance"怎么读"freight insurance" in a sentence


  • 运费保险


  • 000 homes , building insurance , the installation of insurance , enterprises 265 , 000 , freight insurance , motor vehicle insurance , and other categories . personal insurance , foreign - related business
  • Business property insurance , the family property insurance , building insurance , the installation of insurance , freight insurance , motor vehicle insurance , shipping insurance , and energy insurance , general liability insurance , guarantee insurance , credit insurance
  • Business property insurance , the family property insurance , building insurance , the installation of insurance , freight insurance , motor vehicle insurance , shipping insurance , and energy insurance , general liability insurance , guarantee insurance , credit insurance , the china insurance regulatory commission approved the other property insurance
  • Business property insurance , the family property insurance , building insurance , the installation of insurance , freight insurance , motor vehicle insurance , shipping insurance , and energy insurance , general liability insurance , guarantee insurance , credit insurance ( except export credit insurance ) , the china insurance regulatory commission approved the other property insurance
    企业财产损失险、家庭财产损失保险、建筑工程保险、安装工程保险、货物运输保险、机动车辆保险、船舶保险、能源保险、一般责任保险、保证保险、信用保险(出口信用险除外) 、经中国保监会批准的其它财产保险业务。
  • Business property insurance , the family property insurance , building insurance , the installation of insurance , freight insurance , motor vehicle insurance , shipping insurance , and energy insurance , general liability insurance , guarantee insurance , credit insurance , the china insurance regulatory commission approved other property insurance
  • Business property insurance , the family property insurance , building insurance , the installation of insurance , freight insurance , motor vehicle insurance , shipping insurance , and energy insurance , a shipyard liability insurance guarantee insurance , credit insurance , the china insurance regulatory commission approved the other property insurance
  • Business property insurance , the family property insurance , building insurance , the installation of insurance , freight insurance , motor vehicle insurance , shipping insurance , and energy insurance , general liability insurance , guarantee insurance , credit insurance ; the china insurance regulatory commission approved other property insurance
用"freight insurance"造句  
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